
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Solitude and Right Path

Ubqari Magazine - August 2013

Abstract from weekly sermon

Sheikh-ul-Wazaif Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mahmood Majzoobi Chughtai [DB]

My friends! A reality has entered our behavior and attitude that if we have more wealth, we shall succeed. If wealth is more, designation is high then we shall succeed. If our car is big, respect  and heights shall increase. It’s very depressing that the awareness of having wealth is becoming common, but the awareness of leading our lives according to Islam is becoming rare day by day. We are not conveying the message of Islam and not even trying to convey it.  We know the glitter of wealth and not the glitter of aamaal.

Life of a momin and a non-believer:

Actually we are living like a dead fish in the water as it gives itself in the arms of running water and flows in its direction. On the contrary, a live fish never gives up. It never flows with the flow of water and can make its own way. It has enough strength to make its way even in the frozen water, in the water from mountains from which even a human cannot fight. This is the difference between a momin and a non-believer. A momin lives a life of a live fish and comparatively a non-believer spends life like a dead fish.

A corner of comfort and a path of rescue:

A child when gets hurt calls his mother because he has learnt to love his mother from the very first day, but when we get in pain we do not call Allah as we have not learnt the love of Allah from the very beginning. We do not divert ourselves towards fasts or prayers, we do not pay attention on supplications, nawafil and Sunnah of our dear prophet (p.b.u.h). All these aamaal are the proof of his love.

A child always finds mother’s lap the only way of comfort. In the same way we should also feel aamaal the only way of comfort.

Man and his first message

From the very first day, we are following a fake message that our success is hidden in money and status; as they grow higher and higher our dignity will also grow. Every morning the love for wealth and the fantasies of the world increases for both, momin and the non-believer so how can we distinguish among them when their motives are the same.


We all feel thirst - even a person who do not believe in Allah, and we all look for water when we are thirsty, only water from any source (bottle, spring, river, tap, well, sea) can make us get rid of it. They both look towards water to quench their thirst. Isn’t it impossible for us to make difference between them?

The attitude of Sahaba Karaam (R.A.) was very strange as they always looked or concerned ALLAH even for their broken shoe laces. Once Hazrat Abbas (RA) was on a journey when he heard about somebody’s death. He got off his horse and offered nafil and said I did as my ALLAH and his Prophet (p.b.u.h) said that always look towards Allah in your problems and hurdles. Remember! we can never get rid of all this without Allah Almighty. Do whatever you want to, use your brain or you use your money, do all your efforts but all are in vain; you are nothing without Allah. Please pay attention to what I say. There is only one way of rescue and that is the way of Allah. We will not come on the life of aamaal until all the Muslims of the world will leave the life of ignorance, and will believe that our success is hidden aamaal and not in the fantasies of the world. All the benefits and comforts of here and after are hidden in Sunnah of our Prophet (p.b.u.h).

Lives are made by aamaal

We shouldn’t be confident about acquiring, growing and securing through wealth but rather with amaal. If I adopt amaal then I shall grow, ascend and stay safe from troubles, hardships, pains, hurdles and sorrows. Allah shall nurture me with the barkat of amaals and shall manage my affairs of this world and hereafter. The confidence of growing and developing through wealth is not a guarantee of my success. If I want to stay safe from sorrows, pains, turmoil and issues then the way to it is only through adapting amaals. Best would be achieved through amaals which would be beyond imagination of this material world. (TO BE CONTINUED)

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